2015년 5월 27일 수요일


Predicting the future of the Poster


:Magnetic liquid that becomes strongly magnetized by in the presence of magnetic field

You can add colors

It can be synchronized digitally or involve audiences to participate moving it around with a magnetic device

  • It is not harmful
  • Not expensive or difficult to make
  • Can be recycled
  • Can combine with other medias/substances

2015년 5월 13일 수요일



A manifesto is a written statement that declares motives, intentions or views of a person or group.
Manifestos are a powerful catalyst in making a start for a business, work, or life

Here are some examples of my favorite manifestos.

"The Laws of Simplicity" - by John Maeda

His 10 laws for business, design and life are:

1. Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
2. Organize: Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

3. Time: Savings in time feel like simplicity.

4. Learn: Knowledge makes everything simpler.

5. Differences: Simplicity and complexity need each other.

6. Context: What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

7. Emotion: More emotions are better than less.

8. Trust: In simplicity we trust.

9. Failure: Some things can never be made simple.

10. The One: Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.

Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright's Manifestos:

1. An honest ego in a healthy body.
2. An eye to see nature.
3. A heart to feel nature.
4. Courage to follow nature.
5. The sense of proportion (humor).
6. Appreciation of work as idea and idea as work.
7. Fertility of imagination.
8. Capacity for faith and rebellion.
9. Disregard for commonplace (inorganic) elegance.
10. Instinctive cooperation.

2015년 5월 6일 수요일

The Myth of Originality and the Joy of Copying (2011)

Throughout the article the writer, Adrian Shaughnessy, claims that there is no such thing as true originality. Thus, an idea that is purely original doesn't exist and it must have come from some other idea, in other words, copied from somewhere or something else.
However our today’s society, especially in the commercial of art and design, originality is very strongly emphasized. This is very much inconsistent considering that commercial is all about communication. Yet if something was said that it is absolutely original it would be impossible for us to recognize it or understand it. He criticizes the way that the modern society is misunderstanding the real intention of ‘copying’.

It is very true that copyright laws must be necessary in order to protect creative producers from their ideas to be stolen by others and prevent every good idea to be endlessly repeated by everyone. Nevertheless, today the understanding of copying has become something more severe. Copying and plagiarism is known to be a crime and something to be felt guilty about it. Customers demands for more and more originality creating an infinite cycle of producing and earning profit and force too much competition. As a consequence of the fear about copyright laws naturally everyone is turned to competitors and rivals and nothing is able to be shared.

Although not much will recognize it but we all do copy. This doesn't mean copying the whole thing directly, but copying the idea and ‘montage’ it. And if this is done with some creativity then something good is created out of it. So, this is how everything is created, by copying. Yet people are trying to rationalize it by saying that it is just a reference and inspiration, not knowing that both are forms of copying.