2015년 3월 25일 수요일

Examples of Good Design and Bad Design

Good Design
Bad Design

Good vs. Bad design

Good vs. Bad design

Good Design is Goodwill- Paul Rand (1987)
How good is good?- Stefan Sagmeister (2004)

From both readings I mostly understood that design is more and has more to do than just design itself- that is not just about the visual looks. Just design is seen as decoration. But design can enhance a whole lot of things, including environments, communications, products and corporate identity. Therefore it is important that designers must study much more than design. That could be society, economy, politics and culture. It is also fundamental to understand history, and those who do so are able to find continuum in that which was, which is and that which will be.
Although aesthetics and beauty takes a great part in design, some people misinterpret that design is all about looks and focuses on just making it visually attractive. It is true that most of the people prefer the fancy to the plain. However it equivalently has to work well and be practical too. Designers have to consider whom he or she is designing for and work out the client’s practical needs. Design has to satisfy the idea and form. However how the designer does it is not limited. Practically there is no official authorization or accreditation required and no stated frame of knowledge that must be studied to be a designer, meaning that anyone could be one.
Lastly a close relationship between the designer and the management produces a high quality and meaningful design. Nevertheless, it is hard to maintain a good relationship between the designer and the management as their aims and goals are different. Advertising executives and managers gives great importance on costs and profits. Thus it is important to balance both opinions.

2015년 3월 18일 수요일




Use/ Function:

This punctuation is used to express that someone is saying something just by moving their lips, without making noise or sound. The design of this punctuation is a simple silhouette of a mouth. There are sometimes when you want to communicate to someone without anyone else letting know, or in a situation where you have to be quiet. This punctuation is used is cases like this when we communicate with someone by moving our mouth.

     Example in a sentence: